the best quality flour in iraq

Pioneering a New Era of Food Safety and Flour Quality in Iraq.
Change Your Life

Experience the pinnacle of quality with Alahsan Food Products!

Features & Benefits



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Al ahsan factory

The ultimate destination for all your flour needs! Looking for the finest quality  flour that ensures the safety of your family? Look no further! Our dynamic factory sets a new standard for food safety in Iraq with an exceptional capacity of 1000 tons per day.

Best dishes with al ahsan flour

Join the Al Ahsan family today and indulge in the ultimate flour experience. Our flour is sure to elevate every dish you prepare to new heights of flavor and excellence. Taste the difference for yourself and witness the magic that sets us apart from the rest.

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Al ahsan

best for baking

At Al Ahsan, we take pride in producing the highest quality flour that is perfect for all your baking needs. Our flour is the best in the market, and our state-of-the-art production process ensures the freshness and purity of every batch, making Al Ahsan a trusted name in the industry.

Experience the difference and make Al Ahsan your go-to for all your flour needs. Visit us today and see why we're the number one choice for flour lovers everywhere!

Don’t settle for mediocre flour when you can have the best. Choose Al Ahsan and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family is eating the purest and freshest flour available. 

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Collaborating with Local Farmers

Collaborating with local farmers and providing them with access to education, technology, and financial resources can lead to substantial improvements in the quality and quantity of their agricultural products, promoting sustainable development and improving food security for communities.

The Importance of Domestic Wheat Production for Economic and Environmental Sustainability.

Harnessing the potential of our precious green lands to produce high-quality wheat is essential to reducing our dependence on foreign imports, promoting a sustainable domestic agricultural industry, and improving both our economy and environment

Surpass the quality of imported goods

We are striving to improve our products to surpass the quality of imported goods. We invest in research, use advanced technology, and implement strict quality control measures to boost consumer confidence in locally produced goods. This supports the economy by creating jobs and driving innovation while promoting safe and ethical business practices.

We will be very glad to see you in our factory

you can visit us or contact us using email, whatsapp, phone call or the contact form.


Alahsanfood Facebook Page


Saturday to Thursday - 8AM to 5PM
Friday - Holiday